
You would think most teenagers would be in clubs, sports, etc. but not me! After all my efforts to join clubs at the start of the year and be more “active” I just couldn’t get the motivation to find something to occupy my time. Always putting out the excuse, “Oh, once middle school started I just got sooo busy with school work”, how many years has it been? Oh yea… to many. All this aside, with a bit of money (actually quit ea lot) and the ability to research my brains out I have found a hobby that seems to be satisfying my need to be a busybody, Photography! I went out and bought myself a camera and thus far I am happy with the turn out. Nothing makes me happier than some great micro and or action shots. And that is exactly what I am receiving with this camera, Sony mirrorless A5100.

With optional exchangeable lenses and great outdoor action shot opportunities, the controls are a bit hard to figure out at first, but I highly recommend this camera to any one looking for such a thing. And for those searching for a nice and easy everyday use, I recommend a step down with the A500, also great quality pictures.

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